
mia - 2006-07-05 14:23:07
hugs. I know that feeling. May seem strange but.. yes I know it well. I used to get an aderenline rush getting my shit. Its hard when you get addicted to that natural high. Then of course, Id hit my shit, and be high from that too. I think that anyone that has ever served in the military and been in combat goes through the withdrawl you are now going through. You get addicted to that rush of adreniline its hard to remember that you are no longer in danger of someone blowing your head off or kicking in your door trying to kill you because they just resent your presence there. I think that anyone that serves in the military is brave and a true hero. Try to stay positive it will get easier.. my inbox is always open to you.. blessings maria.
Kate - 2006-07-14 14:01:09
I clicked on your banner and learned something. What you say here, I don't think most people realize that's how it is. Like you've done your duty, and you should be happy to be home and pick up the pieces. But what you've done and where you've been has changed you, and it's not fair. It's lame, but all I can do is say "thank you". Obvious you're a very strong person, or you never would've made it this far. Keep trying, keep kicking...I'll be reading if you don't mind.

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