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07-15-06 - 10:44

�"Hero" "A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war" �

That word makes me cringe. I am and never will be a hero. My job was less than honorable. I think the correct term would be antihero. The bad guy you want to like but can't. The one that does what has to be done no matter how tasteless. My title was assassin. Good or bad, it was evil. I was given awards for it, but it mocks me.
Good job here is shit to put on your uniform. You did what we said, so here is a prize. I have a plack that says I�m a hero. But it is all bullshit. I might have saved lives but I have taken more than I care to say.

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